Thứ Năm, 27 tháng 9, 2012
/*Theme Name: Aurora
*Theme URI:
*Description: This is a theme by Mathew Browne of MB Web Design. The stunning photograph is courtesy of Nick Russill. Click here to view the photo in its full glory. Theme is widget- and Gravatar- ready, compatible with Wordpress 2.3 to 2.6
*Version: 2.0
*Tags: dark, green, sandbox, aurora, fixed width, two columns, widget ready, clean, 2 column, 2 columns, 1024, 1024px, black
*Author: Mathew Browne, MB Web Design
*Author URI:
*Latest updated: August 25, 2008 */
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/* -----| Typography |--------------------------------------------------- */
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text-align: center; }
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/*DATE */
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